Grey Cloud
Island Township

Grey Cloud Island Township would like to ensure that our citizens have access to information that helps to be well informed on local matters and beyond. This section includes informational updates on a multitude of topics. Contact the town clerk if you have information that you would like to see included.
​Holcim EAW
Holcim (Larson Quarry) is asking to mine east across County Road 75, on the northern edge of the mine, there was a public comment meeting on the EAW hosted by Washington County at the Grey Cloud Town Hall on Thursday January 9th. See the links below to view the EAW, the comments and the Finding of Facts.
Larson Quarry-2024-EAW-Attachments
Larson Quarry, Findings of Fact
Law Enforcement
Our law enforcement agency is the Washington County Sheriff’s Office. We are reminded that the best number to call is 911; 911 is not just for emergencies anymore. If you have used the non-emergency number in the past, it will get you to the same dispatcher that dialing 911 puts you in contact with. Click here for the current Sheriff's Newsletter.
Animal Control
Companion Animal Control provides animal control services for many communities on this side of town including Newport, Oakdale, Afton, Lakeland, Hudson, Maplewood, etc. To reach them call 715-220-1332 or access their website here. If you have found a stray, first call the Sheriff's Office at 911 to report the animal found; maybe the owner has reported it as lost.
Building Inspections and Code Enforcement
The Township uses MNSPECT for code enforcement and building inspections. Building Permit applications still need to come through the town clerk. You can find the permit applications in Documents & Forms on the Town website.
Understanding Property Values
Washington County has a document designed to help taxpayers understand their property value and property tax. Click here to view the document.
Holcim Participations Inc. Material Donation
A new Holcim Participations Inc. Material Donation Policy & Request Form is now available under Documents / Policies & Permits.
Xcel Outages
If you experience an Xcel electrical outage, report it as soon as possible by calling 1-800-895-1999, through their mobile app, or online at www.Xcelenergy.com.
3M Settlement
For individual homeowners, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency will continue to manage the installation and maintenance of your in-home (POETS) systems. The State will continue to test private wells for PFAS at no cost to the homeowners. Homeowners can use the well sampling request form to have their well added to the sampling program.
UltraPure is the Culligan affiliate that installs and maintains the granular activated carbon filtration systems for Grey Cloud Island Township. Their contact info is: 507-581-5823 or 800-283-8651
Washington County Environmental Center
4039 Cottage Grove Drive, Woodbury, MN 55129
Tuesday: 11 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Thursday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Open to residents of Washington, Anoka, Carver, Chisago, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, and Scott counties.
See their website for details.
Pipeline Safety and How to Recognize a Pipeline Leak
There are pipelines that run through Grey Cloud Island Township. The pipeline locations are indicated by markers. Markers are in the right-of-way and indicate the approximate location, but not the depth, of a buried pipeline. Although not present in certain areas, these markers can be found at road crossings, fence lines, and street intersections. The markers display the product transported in the pipeline, the name of the pipeline operator, and a telephone number where the operator can be reached in the event of an emergency.
Natural gas and Highly Volatile Liquids (HVL) are colorless and nearly invisible to the eye. Small leaks can be identified by looking for dying or discolored vegetation in a naturally green area. Hazardous liquids produce a strong sheen or film standing on a body of water. An HVL leak may be identified by a fog-like vapor cloud in areas of high humidity. Natural gas is colorless, but blowing dirt around a pipeline area may be observed, or vapor and "ground frosting" may be visible at high pressures, regardless of temperature.
Other ways to recognize a leak may include: water bubbling up or standing in an unusual area, a mist or vapor cloud, a powerful fire or explosion with dense smoke plumes, or an area of petroleum-stained ground.
The volume of a pipeline leak can range from a quiet hissing to a loud roar, depending on the size and nature of the leak.
An unusual smell, petroleum or gaseous odor will sometimes accompany pipeline leaks. Natural gas and HVLs are colorless, tasteless and odorless unless odorants, such as Mercaptan, are added. Most HVLs contain a slight hydro-carbon or pungent odor. Most are nontoxic; however, products such as ammonia are considered a toxic chemical and can burn the senses when it seeks out moisture (eyes, nose or lungs). If inhaled, HVLs may cause dizziness or asphyxiation without warning.
In case of emergency, call 800-720-2417 and 911.​