Grey Cloud
Island Township
Table of Contents
Current Ordinances
Past Ordinances
4.1 Motor Vehicles 1 Zoning: Districts and Use replaced by 49-2
8 Wells 2 Zoning: Industrial Uses, replaced by 49-2
12 Disturbing of Peace 3 Zoning: Agricultural Zones, replaced by 49-2
14 Penalties for Ordinance Violation 4 Parking & Stopping Motor Vehicles
16 Auto Storage & Nuisance 5 Zoning: R-1 Zones, replaced by 49-2
18 Snowmobiles 6 Firearms, replaced by ordinance 58
20 Street Names & Numbering 7 Zoning: Building Permits, replaced by 49-2
22 Platting & Subdivision 9 Motor Vehicle - Traffic Code, replaced by 4.1
23 Voting: Residency Requirements 10 Zoning: replaces 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, replaced by 49-2
32 Trespass 11 Planning Commission, replaced by 53
33 Cemetery 13 Dogs, replaced by 56
37 Comprehensive Critical Area Plan 15 Zoning: amends 10 in part, replaced by 49-2
40 Public Safety Commission 17 Zoning: amends 10 in part, replaced by 49-2 42 Fee Schedule 19 Planning Commission, replaced by 49-2
47 Waterways 21 Mining regulations, replaced by 49-2
48 Storm Water Management 24 Motor Vehicles - Operations & Penalties, replaced by 4.1
49.3 Zoning, replaces all others 25 Dogs, amends 13, replaced by 49-2
50 Swimming Pools 26 Zoning: Amends 10, replaced by ordinance 49.2
51 Off-Highway Vehicle & Watercraft 27 Subdivision, replaced by 49.2
52.1 Solar Energy 28 Dog, amends 13 and 25, replaced by 49-2
53 Planning Commission 29 Zoning: amends 10 in part, replaced by 49-2
54 Adopt Minnesota State Building Code 30 Zoning: amends 10 in part, replaced by 49-2
56.1 Animals 31 Planning Commission, replaced by 49-2
57 Right-of-Way 34 J. L. Shiely segragated fund, no longer in effect
58.1 Nuisances 35 Waterways: Use and traffic, replaced by 49-2
59.1 Town Officer Compensation 36 Zoning: Replaces all others, replaced by 49-2
60 MRCCA 38 Development/Division, no longer in effect
61 Noise 39 Zoning: amends 36 in part, replaced by 49-2
41 Nuisances, replaced by 58
43 Fee Schedule, amends 36, replaced by 49-2
44 Temporary Moratorium on Antennas, expired
45 Animal Control, replaced by 56
46 Development restrictions, expired
49 Zoning, (2001) replaced by 49-2
49-1 Zoning (2010), replaced by 49-2
49-2 Zoning (2021), replaced by 49.3
52 Solar Energy, replaced by 52.1 55 Scrivener's Changes to Ordinance No. 41
56 Animals 58 Nuisances, replaced by 58-1
59 Town Officer Compensation (2021)
59 Town Officer Compensation (2022)
Link to the Washington County Development Code